
Organik Soul Tabacos

Planting a green future.

Producing organically means investing on sustainability. It represents less risks to those planting and higher protection to the environment. Organik Soul Tabacos was born aiming at planting a greener future, encouraging tobacco producers to adopt agroecological seeding practices.

Organik Soul Tabacos is placed at the South of Brazil, in one of the world largest tobacco complexes. Valuing the main product within the region, it encourages local economy also preserving nature and recognizing the importance of taking care of our planet.


Being organic is thinking on people's welfare, on quality of life and the interaction with nature. It is thinking on the four natural elements of the universe with the importance they deserve: to be essential to life.

At Organik Soul Tabacos, we believe Earth rewards us when it is well treated. Thus, we encourage tobacco planters to produce organically, using no agrochemicals or artificial fertilizers.

Preserving the soil, we reduce water contaminating risks and prioritize planters' welfare. A cycle of positive attitudes aiming at turning tobacco seeding safer and increasing the incomes of families depending on this cultivation.


Organik Soul Tabacos defends everyone's freedom of choice. Proposing a tobacco growing alternative focused on environment preserve, it tries to support the welfare of those who need to be part of the productive chain.


With ecologically correct agricultural practices and special attention to the producers and their families, we plant the seeds to a sustainable future where our economy will not damage the planet. We bet on culture diversification, green fertilization, carbon footprint control and constant search for innovations capable of improve quality of life for everyone.

100% organic

Ever since our first crop, in 2016/2017, our tobacco is tested by a cutting-edge laboratory and then approved by an internationally recognized certification entity. This way, you can be assured that no pesticides were used by our producers and that our product is really 100% organic.

View our certificates


Flávio Bock

Alexandre Schäfer
+55 (51) 99995-1747

Santa Cruz do Sul, RS, Brazil

Phone: +55 (51) 3711-5354
